Women’s March NYC

published Jan-6, 2021, 1:12pm eastern time


January 21, 2017. Peaceful marches all across the country, and even much of the world.

We marched to express the not-silent majority.

We marched the day AFTER inauguration. Not because we questioned the reality of the outcome. If we had thought we any claim to flip the outcome, we would have marched the day before, not the day after.


When a candidate wins by a landslide margin, we say they have a “mandate” to accomplish the proposals they campaigned on.. an indication of wide-spread public support for their ideals.

but when an antiquated institution/process selects the candidate without the most votes, there is no such mandate.

Their election is valid - duly elected by the rules we all accepted - but no wide-spread adoption of their ideals.

safety pins = =



Consider for example, the words of Stephen Colbert the day after the election back in 2016.

2:40 mark

“like it or not - and for the record, ‘not’ - he will be our next president”


There were people who felt frustrated with the electoral debacle, and felt the process was unfair to American voters. Many felt that way after Al Gore won the popular vote back in 2000. And Al Gore had a case. But he presided over the ceremony to officially appoint his rival. He did so with honor. Biden did the same 4 years ago. Hillary stepped back gracefully. There was no equivalence then to now.

As I write, it is 1pm eastern time, January 6, 2020.

Something to ponder as we watch the show about to unfold. Here’s hoping it’s as boring as usual.


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